They Grow So Fast! Graduating with an IEP – From Preschool to High School

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Graduations are major childhood milestones and joyous family events.  But did you know thatfor children with special education needs, graduations can also have important legal significance?From preschool to high school, here are a few examples of legal rights that impact children with disabilities at key educational transitions. “Graduating” from Regional Center Regional Centers offer free testing and infant-toddlerservices for children from birth to three-years-old who have or may have or are at risk for developmental disabilities. Under an Individual Family Service

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IEP Alerts for Parents During the Covid-19 Era

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Many school districts have announced closures through the end of the 2019/2020 academic school year.  Is your child still receiving the educational services and supports under her IEP?  Has the school district sent you a standard Prior Written Notice form letter changing your child’s education or services?  Have you been asked to waive any of your child’s rights in exchange for continued special education services and supports during school closure?How can parents know what to do? School Districts and charter schools

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Alertas del IEP para padres durante la era Covid-19

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Muchosdistritosescolareshananunciadoloscierres hasta el final del año escolar académico 2019/2020.  ¿Su hijotodavíaestárecibiendolosservicios y apoyoseducativosbajosu IEP?  ¿El distrito escolar le ha enviadouna carta de formulario de Aviso Previoporescritoestándar que cambia la educación o losservicios de suhijo?  ¿Se le ha pedido que renuncie a cualquiera de los derechos de suhijo a cambio de servicios y apoyoscontinuos de educación especial durante el cierre de la escuela?  ¿Cómopuedenlos padres saber quéhacer? Los DistritosEscolares y las escuelaschárterdebenproporcionareducación especial y serviciosrelacionadosduranteloscierres de escuelas de Covid-19.El Departamento de Educación

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Special Education Teaching is Really Hard!

Are you frustrated and discouraged trying to teach your special needs child during shelter-in -place? Are you having problems getting or using computers, printers and internet services to help your child? How are you providing services and supports such as speech, behavior therapy and occupational therapy? Do your study sessions with your child with a disability often end in tears (yours or hers)? Help could be as close as her IEP. Special education laws are supposed to ensure that qualified children with disabilities are afforded

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¡La Enseñanza de Educación Especial esRealmenteDifícil!

¿Estáfrustrado y desanimadotratando de enseñar a suhijo con necesidadese specialesdurante el refugioen el lugar?  ¿Tieneproblemas para obtener o usarcomputadoras, impresoras y servicios de internet para ayudar a suhijo?  ¿Cómoestáproporcionandoservicios y apoyoscomo el habla, la terapiaconductual y la terapiaocupacional? ¿Sussesiones de estudio con suhijo con unadiscapacidad a menudo terminanenlágrimas (la suyao el de el/ella)? La ayudapodríaser tan cercanacomosu IEP. Se supone que las leyes de educación especial debengarantizar que losniñoscalificados con discapacidadesseaneducados de maneraespecializada ydiseñada para satisfacersusnecesidadesúnicas e individuales.  Estasleyesfederales y estatales de educación especial requieren

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Olvídate del papel higiénico – ¡Agarra ese IEP!

“… Los epidemiólogos sugieren que podrían ser necesarias ocho semanas para detener este brote. Los administradores, los estudiantes, los maestros y los padres deben estar ocupados averiguando cómo continuar la educación de nuestros hijos mientras contribuyen a este esfuerzo de salud pública en toda la comunidad”. Tom Bossert, ex asesor de seguridad nacional del presidente Donald Trump, escribiendo en The Washington Post. Las escuelas públicas y chárter de California educan a casi 800.000 niños con necesidades especiales cada año. Estamos asistiendo a cierres temporales y

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Forget about the Toilet Paper – Grab that IEP!!

“…Epidemiologists suggest eight weeks might be needed to arrest this outbreak. Administrators, students, teachers and parents need to get busy figuring out how to continue the education of our children while contributing to this community-wide public health effort.” Tom Bossert, former homeland security adviser to President Donald Trump, writing in The Washington Post. California public and charter schools educate nearly 800,000 children with special needs each year.  We are witnessing temporary and extended school closures on a daily basis.  Late last week, a Chicago public high

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Luchar por su hijo – Cuando es el momento de llamar a un abogado

Cómo encontrar y contratar a un abogado de educación especial para ayudar a su hijo Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. La Parte I de la serie “Fighting for Your Child” o “Luchando por su hijo” de ADAMS ESQ se centró en cómo y dónde debe comenzar cada padre cuando aboga por un niño con necesidades especiales. La Segunda Parte de “Fighting” o “Abogando” abordó el papel de los defensores de los no abogados. Esta última entrega explica cómo contratar (y despedir) a un abogado de educación

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Fighting for Your Child – When It’s Time to Call a Lawyer

How to find and hire a special education attorney to help your child Jean Murrell Adams, Esq.  Part I of ADAMS ESQ’s  Fighting for Your Child series focused on how and where every parent should start when advocating for a special needs child.  Part II of Fighting  addressed the role of non-attorney advocates.  This final installment explains how to hire (and fire) a special education attorney.  When should you call an attorney for help? Where can you find special education attorneys? How can you afford

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