ADAMS ESQ Special Education Alert: 9th Circuit Court Backs Inclusion!

The Case of D.R. v Redondo Beach Unified School District Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. (9th Cir. December 20, 2022) When the school district tried to push their child out of general education, these parents fought back—and won!   D.R. thrived in general education. For years, D.R., a child with significant developmental disabilities, spent 75% of the school day in the general education classroom with his peers. He had a full-time behavioral aide who worked one-on-one with him in the regular classroom to help him follow

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Gracias Gobernador – ¡5 nuevas leyes de California por las que estamos agradecidos!

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. 18 de noviembre de 2022   Sin duda, 2022 ha sido un año difícil para los estudiantes con necesidades especiales, así como para sus padres y educadores.  La escasez de maestros, los reveses académicos y una pandemia persistente han pasado factura.  Pero el gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, firmó nuevas leyes que pueden mejorar en gran medida los resultados educativos de nuestros niños.  Si usted tiene, o trabaja con, un niño con necesidades de educación especial, aquí hay 9 nuevas leyes

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Thanks Governor – 5 New California Laws We’re Grateful For!

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. November 18, 2022   No doubt about it, 2022 has been a tough year for students with special needs, as well as their parents and educators.  Teacher shortages, academic setbacks and a lingering pandemic have taken their toll.  But California Governor Gavin Newsom signed new laws that can greatly improve educational outcomes for our children.  If you have—or work with—a child with special education needs, here are 9 new laws that you need to know.   “Bonus” Year of High School.

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Where’s my Child’s Special Ed Teacher?

…and aide, and speech therapist, and behavior tech and counselor and school nurse…? Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. We’ve all read about the current teacher shortage—especially among special education instructors. But our clients also report absentee aides, speech and occupational therapists, mental health counselors, school nurses and even bus drivers and “lunch ladies”. Schools cannot comply with IEP requirements or guarantee student safety without sufficient staff. Many children are losing ground academically, behaviorally, and socially. What can parents do to ensure their children are getting the education and

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¿Dónde está el maestro de educación especial de mi hijo?

…y ayudante, y terapeuta del habla, y técnico del comportamiento y consejero y enfermera escolar…? Todos hemos leído sobre la escasez actual de maestros, especialmente entre los instructores de educación especial.  Pero nuestros clientes también reportan asistentes ausentes (paraeducadores), terapeutas del habla y ocupacionales, consejeros de salud mental, enfermeras escolares e incluso conductores de autobuses.  Las escuelas no pueden cumplir con los requisitos del IEP ni garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes sin suficiente personal. Muchos niños están perdiendo terreno académica, conductual y socialmente. ¿Qué

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Victory! These Outstanding ADAMS ESQ Attorneys Win Big for Children with Special Education Needs

We’ve been busy. Despite the many challenges of fighting for the rights of children with disabilities—especially during the COVID era—these outstanding ADAMS ESQ attorneys won hard-fought cases against large school districts. Read how their triumphs impact children with special education needs in California and Nevada.   Pamela Daves, Esq. Student v. Whittier Union High School District: Student is a high-schooler with a learning disorder and speech and language deficits. Attorney Daves, representing parents and student, filed a due process complaint against Whittier, alleging that the school district

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¡Victoria! Estos destacados abogados de ADAMS ESQ ganan mucho para niños con necesidades especialess

Hemos estado ocupados. A pesar de los muchos desafíos de luchar por los derechos de los niños con discapacidades, especialmente durante la era COVID, estos destacados abogados de ADAMS ESQ ganaron casos muy reñidos contra grandes distritos escolares. Lea cómo sus triunfos impactan a los niños con necesidades de educación especial en California y Nevada.   Pamela Daves, Esq. Student v. Whittier Union High School District (2022). El estudiante es un estudiante de secundaria con un trastorno del aprendizaje y déficits del habla y el

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Is Omicron Closing Your Child’s School?

Activate Emergency IEP!! January 10, 2022 Many schools are shifting to full or partial distance learning due to the unprecedented Omicron surge. Under California law, IEPs must include an Emergency Learning Plan for certain school closures. Don’t wait! Activate emergency IEPs now if your child’s school will be closed for more than 10 days. All school-aged children suffered when distance learning was imposed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students with disabilities were especially hard-hit by distance learning, losing much-needed special education instruction, services and supports.

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¿Omicron cierra la escuela de su hijo?

Active los IEP de Emergencia 10 de enero de 2022 Muchas escuelas están cambiando a la educación a distancia total o parcial debido al aumento sin precedentes de Omicron. Bajo la ley de California, los IEP deben incluir un Plan de Aprendizaje de Emergencia para ciertos cierres de escuelas.  ¡No esperes!  Active los IEP de emergencia ahora si la escuela de su hijo estará cerrada por más de 10 días. Todos los niños en edad escolar sufrieron cuando se impuso el aprendizaje a distancia al

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