Watch Out for Waivers!

You May be Signing Away Your Child’s Rights and Benefits Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. School is back in session (well, sort of) and we’ve been getting lots of questions regarding whether or not school districts and charter schools have to comply with IEPs.  The short answer is—yes!  Parents and schools should remain reasonable and flexible in ensuring that children with special education needs are timely receiving all testing, teaching and other services consistent with their IEPs.  Unfortunately, some school districts are forcing parents to waive

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Doubling-Down on Special Education

Your Child is Worth the Fight Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Today is Wednesday, July 15, 2020.  We are mindful that nearly 140,000 souls have perished here in the United States due to COVID-19.  The pandemic hascaused seismic shifts in back-to-school plans, priorities and expectations causing many parents to give up and “write-off” this school year in frustration.  Families who have children with disabilities are especially hard-hit.  Despite the chaos, parents can–and absolutely must—double-down andtake charge of educational programming for their children with special needs. 1.

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ADAMS ESQ Awarded $10,000 Salesforce Grant!

San Francisco Business Times, Salesforce doles out $3 million in SMB Covid-19 grants  Dawn Kawamoto Picture courtesy : Todd Johnson | San Francisco Business Times Oakland attorney Jean Murrell Adams and San Francisco dentist Ivan Serdar faced dire times when their revenues came to a screeching halt in mid-March as the Covid-19 shelter-in-place lockdowns stole away their business. Murrell Adams pivoted the business model for her 18-year-old law firm Adams Esq. and took a 20% reduction in hours along with her six employees to keep the

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Doblarsusesfuerzosen la Educación Especial

Su hijo vale la pena la lucha Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Hoy esmiércoles, 15 de julio de 2020.  Somosconscientes de que casi 140.000 almas hanperecidoaquíenlosEstadosUnidosdebido a COVID-19.  La pandemia ha causadocambiossísmicosenlos planes, prioridades y expectativas de regreso a la escuela, lo que ha hecho que muchos padres se rindan y “cancelaran” esteaño escolar frustrado.  Las familias que tienenhijos con discapacidades son especialmenteafectadas.  A pesar del caos, los padres pueden (y absolutamentedeben) doblar y hacerse cargo de la programacióneducativa para sushijos con necesidadesespeciales. 1. La seguridad

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Usar fondos de educación especial para ayudar a su hijo Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Los tiempos son difíciles para las familias durante la era COVID-19.  Muchos están luchando con la incertidumbre laboral, la inseguridad alimentaria y la ansiedad en salud.  Pagar por tutoría, terapia y otros apoyos para un niño con una discapacidad puede simplemente estar fuera del alcance de algunos. Ahora, más que nunca, los padres deben aprender cómo acceder a los fondos del distrito escolar para sus hijos con necesidades de educación especial.

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The “FREE” in FAPE

Using Special Education Fundingto Help Your Child Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Times are tough for families during the COVID-19 era.  Many are struggling with job uncertainty, food insecurity and health anxiety.  Paying for tutoring, therapy and other supports for a child with a disability may simply be out of reach for some. Now, more than ever, parents must learn how to access school district funding for their children with special education needs. Free means FREE.For over 40 years, special education laws have guaranteed qualifying children

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¡Crecen tan rápido! Graduarse con un IEP – De Preescolar a Bachillerato

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Las graduaciones son losprincipaleshitos de la infancia y loseventosfamiliaresalegres.  Pero, ¿sabíausted que para losniños con necesidades de educación especial, las graduacionestambiénpuedentener un significado legal importante? Desdepreescolar hasta bachillerato, aquí hay algunosejemplos de derechos legales que afectan a losniños con discapacidadesentransicioneseducativas clave. “Graduado” del Centro Regional Los CentrosRegionalesofrecenpruebasgratuitas y servicios de niñospequeños para niñosdesde el nacimiento hasta niños de tresaños que tienen o puedentener o estánenriesgo de padecerdiscapacidades del desarrollo. Bajo un Programa de Servicio Familiar Individual (“IFSP”), losniñospuedenrecibirunaampliagama de Servicios de

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They Grow So Fast! Graduating with an IEP – From Preschool to High School

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Graduations are major childhood milestones and joyous family events.  But did you know thatfor children with special education needs, graduations can also have important legal significance?From preschool to high school, here are a few examples of legal rights that impact children with disabilities at key educational transitions. “Graduating” from Regional Center Regional Centers offer free testing and infant-toddlerservices for children from birth to three-years-old who have or may have or are at risk for developmental disabilities. Under an Individual Family Service

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IEP Alerts for Parents During the Covid-19 Era

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. Many school districts have announced closures through the end of the 2019/2020 academic school year.  Is your child still receiving the educational services and supports under her IEP?  Has the school district sent you a standard Prior Written Notice form letter changing your child’s education or services?  Have you been asked to waive any of your child’s rights in exchange for continued special education services and supports during school closure?How can parents know what to do? School Districts and charter schools

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