The “I” in DEI: Special Education Inclusion

Jean Murrell Adams August 2024 Disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to participate in or contribute to society. 20 USC §1400 When many of us think of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs, what comes to mind is ensuring race, sexual orientation or gender-based equity. But according to the National Institutes of Health, people with disabilities make up nearly 1/3 the United States adult population–making them the single largest minority group in the

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¡Alerta especial de ADAMS ESQ!

¿Es la escuela de su hijo “segura, protegida y pacífica”? La Constitución de California garantiza el derecho a escuelas seguras.  “Todos los estudiantes y el personal de las escuelas públicas primarias, primarias, secundarias y secundarias, y los colegios comunitarios, colegios y universidades tienen el derecho inalienable de asistir a campus que sean seguros y pacíficos”. Articulo I, Sec. 28(f)(1). ¿Su hijo con una discapacidad le aterroriza la escuela? ¿Tiene miedo de usar el baño debido al vapeo de marihuana sin control, los asaltos y la

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ADAMS ESQ Special Alert!

Is your child’s school “safe, secure and peaceful”? California’s Constitution guarantees the right to safe schools. “All students and staff of public primary, elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, and community colleges, colleges, and universities have the inalienable right to attend campuses which are safe, secure and peaceful.” Article I, Sec. 28(f)(1). Is your child with a disability terrified of school? Is he afraid to use the lavatory due to unchecked marijuana vaping, assaults and overall lack of supervision in high school and junior high? Is she scared

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Moving from California with your Special Needs Child ?

Part I – Welcome to the Silver State Jean Murrell Adams, Esq.   Many Californians are choosing to move in search of a better life for their families. Top destinations include, Nevada, Texas and Florida. But when you have a child with special needs, your decision to relocate can have serious educational consequences and significantly impact your ability to effectively advocate for your child. In this three-part series, we explore some of the education-related and legal challenges that you and your child may face when moving to

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Aspectos destacados de la Conferencia Nacional COVID de Texas Woman’s Universidad:

Lo que sabemos y lo que no sabemos sobre el COVID largo pediátrico 24 de abril de 2023 Jean Murrell Adams Tuve el honor de ser panelista en una reciente conferencia de dos días sobre el impacto de Largo-COVID en los niños.  La conferencia se centró en ayudar a los psicólogos escolares y otros profesionales a evaluar y ayudar a los estudiantes que pueden verse afectados por esta condición. Aunque, comprensiblemente, todavía hay mucho que no sabemos, hemos recorrido un largo camino para comprender esta

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Highlights from the Texas Woman’s University National COVID Conference

What we Know and Don’t Know About Pediatric Long-COVID Mrs. Adams was honored to be a panelist at a recent two-day conference on the impact of Long-COVID on kids. The conference focused on assisting school psychologists and other professionals in evaluating and helping students who may be impacted by this condition. It included experts from across the United States and even from Italy. Understandably, there is still a lot we don’t know, but we have come a long way in understanding this condition. Here are a

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Mrs. Adams v. ChatGPT

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. and GPT-4 Mrs. Adams is a Princeton graduate.  She earned her law degree from USC Law Center, served as a Federal Court law clerk and has practiced in prestigious Beverly Hills law firms and major motion picture studios.  Since 2002, she has devoted her legal practice to representing thousands of children with special education needs—ushering cases to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and frequently writing and speaking on special education legal issues.    ChatGPT-4 was born yesterday.   When asked

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La Sra. Adams c. ChatGPT

Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. y GPT-4 La Sra. Adams es graduada de Princeton.  Obtuvo su título de abogada del USC Law Center, se desempeñó como secretaria legal de la Corte Federal y ha ejercido en prestigiosos bufetes de abogados de Beverly Hills y en los principales estudios cinematográficos.  Desde 2002, ha dedicado su práctica legal a representar a miles de niños con necesidades de educación especial, llevando casos al Tribunal de Apelaciones del 9º Circuito y con frecuencia escribiendo y hablando sobre temas legales de

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Alerta de educación especial de ADAMS ESQ: ¡El Tribunal del 9º Circuito respalda la inclusión!

El Caso de D.R. v Redondo Beach Unified School District (9th Cir. 20 de diciembre de 2022) Jean Murrell Adams, Esq. 18 de enero de 2023 Cuando el distrito escolar trató de sacar a su hijo de la educación general, estos padres se defendieron, ¡y ganaron     D.R. prosperó en la educación general. Durante años, D.R., un niño con discapacidades significativas del desarrollo, pasó el 75% del día escolar en el aula de educación general con sus compañeros. Tenía un asistente conductual de tiempo

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