Congratulations to our 2021 Scholarship Winner Alejandro Garcia Jr !

Alejandro Garcia Jr. is our very first ADAMS ESQ scholar. He was one of hundreds of applicants that submitted an essay on what it is like to have a disability in school. He wrote a beautiful essay. He will be attending college in the Fall and would like to become a writer. We wish him all the success in the world! ADAMS ESQ Scholarship Amount is currently $2,000. Eligible recipients are high school seniors and undergraduate students throughout California and Nevada with an active IEP

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Hey!! Where’s my ESY?”

Did your school district overpromise and underdeliver this Extended School Year?  Learn how to keep your child with special needs from falling further behind. Many school districts offered extended school year (ESY) services to make up for learning loss during the pandemic.  But the promised education and services never materialized. What happened to your child’s ESY? ESY is not “Summer School”.  Many parents believe ESY is the same as summer school programs—but they’re very different.   Summer school is a general education program open to all

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Count Down To Graduation

Getting the Diploma and the Education! By now, most high school seniors are eagerly looking forward to the big day—graduation! Soon, school districts and charter schools will be giving out diplomas to IEP students as if the past year of “so-so” education never happened. Does your child with disabilities have the skills to transition to the “real” world? Did she receive the education and life skills training that she needed? Did he miss significant services, supports and instruction during distance learning? Did their school conduct

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Black Judges Who Changed Special Education

Children with disabilities and their parents had limited rights and educational options prior to the creation of our current comprehensive special education laws in the mid-1970’s.  At least one state imposed criminal penalties on parents who tried to enroll their children with special needs in public school.  Even after Congress established basic rights and protections, state and local governments and school districts continued imposing disability-based and racist segregation, testing and housing practices.  Learn about these African American jurists who advanced the rights—and changed the lives—of

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Protecting Your Child’s Education It’s comparatively easy to navigate the calm waters of general education.  Public and charter schools post yearly calendars, standardized tests are regularly administered, parent-teacher conferences are brief and reassuring and report cards are timely and clear. In short, parents of general education students know what to expect from the public education system and can sail through fairly well. In contrast, special education’s complexities and hidden undercurrents can throw children with disabilities dangerously off-course.  Parents of children with IEPs must be proactive

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Boo!! Lawyers are Soooo Scary!

ADAMS ESQ Special Halloween Edition Spooked by school district lawyers?  Frightened by the thought of hiring your own special education attorney? Special education lawyers may seem scary and intimidating, but they are not ogres, vampires or monsters.  In fact, many attorneys are moms and dads who were drawn to help other parents after fighting for the rights of their own children with special needs.  If just the thought of hiring a special education lawyer makes your skin crawl, or if school district lawyers keep popping

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Ask ADAMS ESQ: What Should I Do When The School Says My Child No Longer Needs an IEP?

My son is a 7-year old 1st grader attending an on-line charter school. He has an active IEP under the classifications of Autism (primary) and Speech and Language Impairment (secondary). His charter school claims that because he is doing well academically, even though he has gaps in speech, he no longer qualifies for an IEP.  Citing outdated assessments, his virtual charter school now wants to switch him to a 504 plan instead.  Should I agree to exit him from special education? No.  Just like entering

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Can lightning strike the same place twice?  That seems to be the case for the special education law firm of ADAMS ESQ.  Facebook has just awarded ADAMS ESQ monetary and advertising grants to help us support our special needs community during these uncertain times.  We’re fired up to do just that!  Combining the recent Salesforce Care Grant (thanks again you guys!) with the new Facebook awards, ADAMS ESQ has already begun using these blessings to fund academic screenings for eligible children with special education needs. 

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DEJAR A SU HIJO EN LA ESCUELA Todos estamos ansiosos por que la escuela reabra para el aprendizaje en clase.  Pero los padres, especialmente los padres de niños con necesidades especiales, necesitan hacer mucho más de la preparación para la escuela este año.  Aquí hay cinco cosas que todos los padres de educación especial deben considerar antes de dejar a un niño en la escuela durante la pandemia COVID-19.  1. Seguridad.  Asegúrese de que su hijo esté seguro en la escuela.  El Departamento de Salud

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