Special ed student records proof of bullying

Special ed student records proof of bullying

Threatened with charges of wiretapping:

Here’s a case that makes you wonder. A special education high school student recorded a bullying incident and the school district threatened with charges of criminal wiretapping.

According to a recent report in the Daily Caller, school administrators agreed to reduce the sentence, and March 19 the student, from South Fayette High School in McDonald, Pa., was charged with disorderly conduct.

The student and his mother, Shea Love, testified in front of District Judge Maureen McGraw-Desmet that he had been repeatedly shoved and tripped at school, and that a fellow student had even attempted to burn him with a cigarette lighter.

The boy — who was diagnosed with a comprehension delay disorder, meaning he processes information slower than normal, ADHD and an anxiety disorder — used his school-approved personal iPad to make a seven-minute audio recording of his math class bullying experience.

The audio file records a student saying, “‘You should pull his pants down!’ Another student replies, ‘No, man. Imagine how bad that (c**t) smells! No one wants to smell that (t**t),'” as the teacher is helping the victim with a math problem, according to the article. One bully even hit him over the head with a book, despite the teacher’s previous reprimands.

In California, audio-taping a person without their knowledge is also illegal. However, with the prevalence of You Tube, cell phones and iPads, it is fairly simple to video record suspicious conduct. Some parents have written global letters to the school district putting them on notice that any and all “meetings” will be recorded.

To read more of this story go to: http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/14/special-ed-student-who-recorded-being-bullied-on-his-ipad-threatened-with-felony-wiretapping-charges/

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