Lost in Translation: Clark County School District Targets non-English-speaking Parents of Students with Special Education Needs

Lost in Translation: Clark County School District Targets non-English-speaking Parents of Students with Special Education Needs

ADAMS ESQ represents many children of Spanish-speaking parents. For parents of the nearly 32,000 special-needs children in the Las Vegas metropolitan area, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the educational guideline for their child. It is often over 20 pages long and details the frequency and duration of services that the child is to receive, the school and educational placement. Perhaps most importantly, it includes details of the goals for the upcoming year and the timetable for achieving those goals. Other accommodations (such as extra time on tests, preferential seating, and transportation) are also typically included in an IEP document. IEP’s can also be changed more often than the typical once per year if the parents and district agree that the current program is not working. Federal law provides that a translator must be present at all parent-teacher meetings where the IEP of an English-language learner student is discussed. Additionally, the school district typically translates IEP documents from English to the student’s native language upon request. However, in an attempt to save costs and “realign resources,” the under-performing Clark County School District is now attempting to drop the written translation service for one of its most at-risk student populations. Therefore, it is more important that ever that parents make sure that they fully understand every provision of the IEP before they sign their agreement to it–this includes ensuring that they can track their child’s progress towards goals under the IEP.

ADAMS ESQ representa muchos hijos de padres de habla hispana. Para los padres de los ninos necesidades especiales hay casi 32,000 en el area metropolitan de Las Vegas, programa de educacion individualizado (IEP) es la guia educativa para sus hijos. Es a menudo mas de 20 paginas largas y detalles de la frecuencia y duracion de los sevicios que el nino va receibir, a la escuela y la colocacion educativa. Tal vez lo mas importante, incluye detalles de los objetivos para el proximo ano y el calendario para la consecucion de esos objetivos. Otros alojamientos (como tiempo extra en las pruebas, asientos preferenciales, transporte) tipicamente tambien estan incluidos en el document IEP. IEP puede tambien cambiar mas a menudo que una vez tipica por ano si los padres y el distrito de acuerdo en que el programa actual no funciona.

Ley federal establece que un traductor deben estar presente en todas las reuniones de padres y maestros donde el IEP de un estudiante aprende ingles. Adicionalmente, el distrito escolar normalmente se traduce documentos IEP del ingles el idoma native del estudiante bajo peticion.

Sin Embargo en un intento por ahorrar costos y “realinear los recursos”, el distrito de escuela de bajo rendimiemto Clark County ahora intenta volver dejar el servicio de traduccion escrita por uno de sus poblaciones en riesgo mas de estudiante. Por lo tanto es mas importante que los padres asegurarse de que entienden plenamente cada disposicion del IEP antes de firmar su acuerdo. Esto incluye garantizar que pueden rastrear el progreso de sus hijos hacia los objetivos del IEP.

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